i love this
i love this
Thanks for playing it! :)
wanted to do something like this for ages and still was totally fooled by the bitsy beginning :D
I still beat myself up because I didn't get the room transitions to play exactly like in bitsy, but it's subtle enough that few people notice.
holy shit
base ball
holy shit this is amazing!
This has potential!
Here are some notes:
.) the screenshake shows the edges of the level. either zoom in a little bit or myke your levels bigger (and scroll the cammera to the middle of the level)
.) while the physics based effectiveness of the jetpack is introduced earlier, it is only really necessary to use in level12. So i never used it bc i didnt need it, but level 12 suddenly demands me to have already mastered it.
.) additionally level 12 has a second challenge at the end, so even if i did the first hard part of the level correctly, there is another hard challenge waiting for me at the end, making this level very frustrating!
I would recommend to pace these things out over a bigger amount of levels.
.) up until level 12 the design was pretty dope!
.) if the triangle jumpy things also recharged your jetpack, it would allow for a lot more variety in level design later on!
wanted to make a game like this for ages, but never figured out how!
Great job (totally not envious)!!
check out bird song by daniel linssen!
the turkey is just super annoying
rest is cute and nice
I make games and sometimes they are good.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 11/21/14